Ankle sprains are a very common injury among people of all ages. You could experience an ankle sprain during several different activities – even just walking! The most common type of ankle sprain is an inversion. This is when the ankle rolls with the bottom of the foot, going towards the middle of the foot. When an inversion ankle sprain happens, the ligaments of the outside of the ankle bruise and swell. Walking on a sprained ankle can be extremely painful and limit your everyday activities. However, physical therapy can help!

Determining the Severity of the Sprain

Before physical therapy can begin, you must have a thorough evaluation of your injury. The severity of your ankle sprain will help determine the best treatment plan. All ankle sprains are graded in severity and go by the amount of tissue torn in the ankle. The more severe your sprain is, the more intensive your physical therapy will be.

Starting Physical Therapy Right Away for an Ankle Sprain

A freshly sprained ankle can be extremely painful. Although you should rest and ice it as much as possible, physical therapy can begin immediately. After the sprain, your body will instantly start attempting to heal the injury on its own. This healing process involves the build-up of scar tissue. This scar tissue will reduce the joint’s flexibility unless you engage in physical therapy. The goal of physical therapy for an ankle sprain is to strengthen the muscles and joints surrounding the injured ankle as it heals. That way, your ankle will have plenty of support as it heals and reduces scar tissue build-up. Your physical therapist will never push your ankle too far and always has your best interest in mind.

Ready to start physical therapy for your ankle sprain? Our trained physical therapists are prepared to help you get back to normal. Give Activity First PT a call today!