Chronic shoulder pain can be a significant barrier in everyday life, affecting everything from simple tasks to sleep quality. Physical therapy emerges as a powerful tool in addressing this type of pain. Let’s explore the ways in which physical therapy can assist those suffering from chronic shoulder pain.

Understanding Chronic Shoulder Pain

Chronic shoulder pain often arises from a variety of sources – including overuse, injury, or age-related wear and tear. This pain can manifest as a continuous ache or occasional sharp pains that restrict movement, making even simple actions like reaching overhead or behind the back difficult and uncomfortable.

The Role of Physical Therapy in Alleviating Shoulder Pain

Physical therapy offers a holistic approach to managing chronic shoulder pain. A key step in this process involves a physical therapist conducting a thorough evaluation to determine the specific causes of your pain. This evaluation often includes assessing range of motion, muscle strength, and overall shoulder function.

Once the assessment is complete, the physical therapist develops a customized treatment plan tailored to your individual needs. This plan generally includes a variety of exercises focused on strengthening and stretching the shoulder muscles. Strengthening these muscles is crucial as it provides better support to the shoulder joint, helping alleviate pain and prevent future injuries.

Staying on Track with Your Therapy

Recovering from chronic shoulder pain through physical therapy is a process that requires dedication and patience. Regularly performing the exercises prescribed by your physical therapist is fundamental to your recovery and will ensure you heal at an optimal pace.

Chronic shoulder pain doesn’t have to define your life. With the guidance and expertise of Activity First Physical Therapy – you can address the pain, strengthen your shoulder, and gradually regain a full range of movement. Contact us today to start your journey to less shoulder pain!