Nearly 65 million Americans experience back pain at some point in their life. In fact, back pain is the number one complaint physical therapists hear from their patients. The good news is that you don’t have to put up with back pain, and you may not even need invasive medical treatments like surgery. Here’s how physical therapy can help your back pain.

Determining the Source of Your Back Pain

Pain doesn’t just come out of nowhere. There’s always a source of your back pain. And the source may not be the actual area where you’re experiencing the pain. When you start physical therapy for back pain, your physical therapist will give you a thorough evaluation to determine the source of your pain. Since most back pain is muscular, your therapist will then choose the appropriate course of treatment to help alleviate your pain.

Back Pain Exercises

Exercise is one of the most effective ways to help back pain. Your physical therapist will demonstrate strategic exercises designed to stretch and strengthen the muscles that are the source of the pain. Some exercises will be done yourself, and others will be done with the assistance of your physical therapist.

Low Impact Conditioning

An effective way to strengthen your back and the surrounding muscles is through low-impact conditioning. You’ll be guided through some exercises in the office and others that you can do at home. Bicycling, swimming, and walking are all low-impact conditioning that could help your back pain in the long run. Therapists usually recommend doing this kind of exercise a few times a week along with your therapy sessions.

Ready to start physical therapy for your back pain? Call Activity First Physical Therapy today! We’re looking forward to helping you relieve your back pain.