Physical therapy is a great way to help your body heal from an injury. Here are just five benefits of physical therapy.

#1 Physical Therapy Will Guide Your Body To Heal Effectively

After experiencing an injury through a car accident, sporting activity, or a fall – physical therapy can help the healing process. Your therapist will work with you to determine which muscles, ligaments, or joints need help. Then, they will recommend exercises and stretches to focus on these areas. Over time, you’ll build strength, increase flexibility, and ultimately heal more effectively.

#2 Physical Therapy Can Help You Avoid Re-Injury

Participating in physical therapy after an injury can help you avoid re-injuring the same area. The goal of physical therapy is to strengthen the surrounding areas of an injury, so you can avoid hurting it in the same way again.

#3 Physical Therapy Can Improve Mobility and Balance

Your physical therapist’s exercises and stretches are designed to increase your flexibility. Improved flexibility provides your joints and muscles with more stability, increasing your overall mobility and balance.

#4 Physical Therapy Reduces Chronic Pain

Most chronic body pain is related to some sort of muscle issue after an injury. When beginning physical therapy for chronic pain, your therapist will evaluate several different things to determine the best course of treatment. Patients who attend physical therapy for pain are less likely to need over-the-counter and prescription pain medication.

#5 Physical Therapy Can Enhance Your Athletic Performance

If you’re an athlete, you know how important it is to take care of your body, especially after an injury. Physical therapy can help you heal and increase your strength in the injured area. Trained physical therapists will know which muscles to focus on and which exercises will increase your strength and flexibility.

Ready to start physical therapy? Give Activity First PT a call today!