Delaying physical therapy, whether after an injury or surgery, may seem tempting, This is especially true during busy times such as the holiday season. However, pushing off this crucial step in your recovery process can have many unnecessary consequences. Here’s why it’s essential to schedule your physical therapy sessions now rather than later.

Your Out-of-Pocket Costs May Be Less

If you’ve already met your insurance deductible for the year or reached your out-of-pocket maximum, your remaining physical therapy sessions might be covered significantly or even fully by your insurance. This means that starting or continuing your therapy sessions now could result in considerable savings. Once the new year begins, deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums typically reset, and you’ll be responsible for these costs again, which can make your therapy more expensive.

The Longer You Wait, The More Painful Physical Therapy Will Be

Any delay in starting your physical therapy can result in stiffer, weaker muscles and less joint flexibility. As a result, this will make the sessions much more challenging and painful when you finally start. Starting physical therapy as soon as your body is ready will help to manage pain effectively and prevent your body from developing scar tissue which will complicate your recovery.

Could Result in Future Complications

Putting off physical therapy increases the risk of potential complications. Without the proper physical therapy – you might develop chronic pain, joint deformities, or muscle atrophy. These conditions can significantly impact your quality of life and might lead to long-term health issues that are harder and more expensive to treat.

The Healing Process Will Take Longer

The sooner you start with physical therapy, the quicker your recovery process will be. Postponing therapy means extending the healing period, as the body needs time to rebuild strength and flexibility. This delay not only extends your overall recovery time but also keeps you away from your normal life and activities longer than necessary.

In conclusion, while it might seem easier to delay starting your physical therapy, doing so can have several negative repercussions, both physically and financially. It’s in your best interest to initiate or continue your physical therapy sessions promptly to ensure a smoother, quicker, and more cost-effective recovery. Contact Activity First PT to schedule your appointment as soon as possible!