If you’ve never gone through physical therapy before, you may be a little hesitant to start. It’s important to feel comfortable with your physical therapist – and to trust them. Here’s what to look for in a good physical therapist.


Not only should your physical therapist be licensed and certified by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), but they should also be experienced in their field. If you have a specific injury or area of concern, it’s also helpful to have a therapist with specific experience in this specialty. Don’t be afraid to ask questions when setting up your first physical therapy session. The more specific you are with your concerns, the better chance you’ll have of being matched with the right physical therapist.

Injury and Surgery Know-How

Some of the most likely reasons people decide to begin physical therapy are because they’ve undergone surgery or experienced an injury. If this is the reason you’re considering physical therapy, choosing a therapist versed in this kind of care is critical. Ensure your physical therapist is experienced with helping people recover from your specific type of injury or surgery.

Avoid Physical Therapy “Chains”

You may have noticed in your search for a physical therapist that many offices have the same name. They have the same name because they are considered to be a part of a “chain” of physical therapists. These chains tend to change staff frequently depending on which office needs to have more coverage. As a result, you may work with a different physical therapist every session. Choose a local, single-location office to ensure you get a consistent physical therapist and treatment plan.

Ready to start your physical therapy journey? Give Activity First Physical Therapy a call today to begin your healing process!