Undergoing elbow surgery can be a daunting experience, and once it’s over, you may think that you will start feeling better shortly after. However, the journey to full recovery extends beyond the operation room. Post-surgical physical therapy is crucial to ensure your elbow regains its optimal function and strength.

Regain Range of Motion

Elbow surgery can result in joint stiffness and decreased mobility because of scar tissue build up. Physical therapy provides targeted exercises and techniques to gradually improve the elbow’s range of motion. Without these interventions, you might find it challenging to extend or flex your arm fully, limiting daily activities like reaching, lifting, or even simple movements.

Strengthen Surrounding Muscles

After surgery, muscles around the elbow can weaken due to lack of use or protective immobilization. This muscle atrophy can leave your elbow vulnerable to re-injury. Physical therapy introduces progressive resistance exercises that rebuild muscle strength, ensuring your elbow is resilient against future injuries.

Reduce Pain and Swelling

It’s common to experience pain and swelling post-surgery. Physical therapists utilize modalities like cold compresses, ultrasound, or electrical stimulation to reduce inflammation. Coupled with therapeutic exercises, these treatments not only alleviate discomfort – but also speed up the healing process.

Achieving Personal and Functional Goals

Whether you’re an athlete hoping to return to your sport, or someone looking forward to picking up their grandchild without pain, physical therapy helps you meet these personal milestones. Therapists tailor programs based on your unique goals, ensuring you can resume the activities you love.

At Activity First Physical Therapy – we believe in a comprehensive, patient-centered approach. Our expert therapists design individualized programs to address your specific needs post-elbow surgery. We guide you through each stage of recovery, ensuring you achieve optimal function and return to your regular activities with confidence. Contact us today and embark on a journey back to strength and flexibility.