Running is a great way to stay fit and healthy, but sometimes it can lead to injuries. If you’re a runner who’s facing some aches and pains, don’t worry! Physical therapy can be a big help in getting you back on track. Here’s how!

Common Running Injuries

When you run a lot, you might face injuries like:

  • Runner’s Knee: This is pain around your kneecap. It happens when you run too much or don’t have good form.
  • Shin Splints: This is pain in your shins, the front part of your lower legs. It’s usually from running too much, especially on hard surfaces.
  • Achilles Tendinitis: This is when the tendon at the back of your ankle gets sore. It’s often because of too much running or not stretching enough.

How Physical Therapy Helps

Physical therapy can really help with these injuries. Here’s how:

  • Figuring Out the Problem: A physical therapist will look at how you run, your shoes, and your overall fitness to find out why you’re hurt.
  • Making a Plan for You: They’ll make a plan with exercises and treatments just for your injury.
  • Exercises to Get Stronger: You’ll do exercises to make your muscles stronger, which helps protect your body from getting hurt again.
  • Learning How to Move Better: A physical therapist will teach you better ways to run and move so you don’t get hurt again.

Staying Healthy as a Runner

Remember, running is great for your health, but it’s important to do it the right way. Wear the right shoes, don’t run too much too fast, and always warm up before you start. If you get hurt, physical therapy can be a big help in getting you back to running pain-free.

If you love running but are dealing with injuries, physical therapy can be a great way to get better. Contact Activity First today to schedule your first appointment!