Neck Surgery Rehab and Physical Therapy

Activity First Physical Therapy Puts Our Patients First

Neck Surgery Rehab

Neck or cervical spine surgery is a great way to resolve issues causing pain in your neck. However, the only way to achieve the optimal results of the surgery is by being an active participant in your recovery. Physical therapy is an essential part of the recovery process and will help your body heal and regain its strength. Here’s how Activity First PT can help you experience an excellent recovery from surgery.

Doctor’s Orders

Since the healing process is different for everyone, we rely on your doctors to let us know when you are ready for neck surgery rehab. This could be as soon as a few weeks but could be up to a few months. Pushing your neck and spine too soon could be painful and counterproductive to healing. Your doctors and surgeons will put restrictions on your movements and activities after surgery. Here at Activity First PT, we’ll make sure your sessions follow all of the doctors’ and surgeons’ orders!

Moving at The Correct Pace

After neck surgery, you will have limited mobility as your body heals. The goal of neck surgery rehab is to help facilitate mobility at a healthy pace. Everyone’s recovery will look different. It may be frustrating that you’re not regaining your normal range of motion as quickly as you’d like. But it’s important to remember that we can’t push the neck as it’s healing. Going too fast could be dangerous and cause more pain and discomfort. Our trained therapists will help guide you and only give you exercises that your neck can handle as you heal.

Get The Guidance You Need To Recover

Your in-person physical therapy sessions are a large part of the surgery rehab process. However, there are some at-home care tips and advice that you will receive as part of your physical therapy program. This will include movements and activities to avoid, along with some at-home stretches. One of Activity First’s team members will provide this guidance to you clearly and professionally.

If you’ve recently had a neck or cervical spine surgery and need to rehab from it, then give us a call! We’ll be happy to answer any of your questions and schedule your first appointment. We’re looking forward to seeing you!