Keeping good posture is important for people who work at desks. Sitting for too long and not setting up your work area correctly can cause aches like back pain, neck pain, and may even reduce your overall energy levels. Here are some easy tips to maintain a good posture and stay healthy while you’re at your desk.

Why Bad Posture at Desk Jobs is a Problem

Working at a desk might not seem physically challenging, but it can still be tough on your body. Doing the same things over and over – like typing, using a mouse, or sitting the same way for a long time can make your muscles sore and tight. If your desk and chair aren’t set up correctly, you might end up with pain and joint stiffness.

Setting Up Your Workspace Correctly

The first step to improving your posture is to make your workspace good for your body. Adjust your chair, desk, and computer screen so your feet are flat on the ground and your arms are in a comfortable position when you type. Also, your screen should be at the same height as your eyes to keep your neck from hurting.

Paying Attention to How You Sit

Don’t slouch, lean too much, or tense up your muscles. Keep checking how you’re sitting to make sure your spine is straight and your muscles are relaxed. Being aware of your posture and constantly reminding your body to maintain proper posture will help you get into the habit of sitting better.

Moving and Stretching is Important

Staying in one spot for too long can make you stiff and sore. Make sure to get up, stretch, and move around every hour or so. Also, consider easy moves while you’re still sitting – like rolling your shoulders, carefully turning your neck, and stretching your arms.

If you need some additional help with any aches or pains caused by a desk job, then contact Activity First Physical Therapy! Our team can help you find relief from the pain and provide guidance on how to avoid it in the future.