You can experience pain in your ankles for a variety of different reasons. Ankle pain doesn’t necessarily mean you have a fracture or a sprain, but it is something you should address. When you visit a physical therapist to address the pain, they can evaluate your ankle to identify the source. Read on to learn how physical therapy can help your ankle pain.

The Different Types of Ankle Pain

Ankle pain can manifest as burning, aching, throbbing, or even sharp pain as you walk. The more detailed you are when you describe your pain to your physical therapist, the better. Different pain can represent different causes. For example, a sharp pain when you put weight on your ankle could indicate a bone fracture. Or a throbbing ache along with swelling could indicate a sprain. Your therapist will use all these clues about your pain to determine the source and the proper course of action. In some cases, such as fractures, a cast may be the better option before starting physical therapy.

Physical Therapy for Ankle Pain

Your ankles are major weight-bearing joints in your body. Because the ankle is constantly working, it’s vulnerable to injury. When you have ankle pain – strength exercises for the joint, and the surrounding muscles, can help. Once your physical therapist identifies the source of your ankle pain, they start a treatment plan of customized strengthening exercises tailored just for you. At first, these exercises might be painful, but they will strengthen the joint over time, easing your ankle pain. It’s essential to listen to your therapist and keep your physical therapy appointments. Without consistency, you won’t see the results you’re after.

Are you ready to try physical therapy for your ankle pain? Give Activity First Physical Therapy a call today to make an appointment.