A common misconception is that physical therapy is just for athletes or people recovering from surgery. The truth is that physical therapy has many benefits for everyone! From kids to seniors, there’s no one who isn’t eligible for physical therapy. Here’s how physical therapy can benefit people of all ages.

Reduce Pain

Everyone experiences pain at some point in their life. The most common complaint physical therapists hear is about chronic pain. But whether your pain stems from your back, neck, hips, knees, shoulders, or arms – physical therapy can help. Trained, experienced physical therapists know how to evaluate your pain to determine its root cause. Once they know what’s causing your pain, they can formulate a plan to alleviate it through exercises, stretches, and pain management techniques.

Increase Mobility

Experiencing an injury or surgery can significantly limit your mobility. The goal of physical therapy is not only to help you heal but also for you to have an optimal range of motion. Increasing your mobility as you heal can help you get back to your normal activity level quicker. Also, people that experience frequent muscle stiffness or pain can improve their mobility with physical therapy.

Improve Balance and Flexibility

When you participate in physical therapy, you’re not just working on the muscles involved in your injury or surgery. Your physical therapist will also help strengthen and stretch the muscles surrounding your injury or surgery site. These sessions can help improve your overall flexibility and mobility, which can help with balance and control. You will reduce the likelihood of another injury by improving in these areas.

Ready to start physical therapy? Give Activity First Physical Therapy a call today! We can help get you started on your physical therapy journey today!