Physical therapy is used for patients before or after surgery, after an injury, or when they’re experiencing pain in joints or muscles. Consistent physical therapy can help restore function and movement, as well as promote healing and pain relief. It is safe for patients of all ages, all body types, and all activity levels. Along with in-office guided exercises with trained physical therapists, sometimes at-home exercises are part of the treatment plan.

Guided Exercises in Physical Therapy Rehab

Part of rehab for an injury or surgery includes assisted or guided exercises with your physical therapist. In order to speed up your healing process and increase function and mobility, you’ll need to strengthen the surrounding muscles and joints. To do this, your physical therapist will guide you in strengthening exercises. At first, these guided exercises may be painful, but you must stick with them.

Every patient is different, and every injury or surgery is different. Because of this, your therapist must develop a custom treatment plan for your specific needs. Guided exercises will take place at each of your rehab appointments, depending on the length of your treatment.

At-Home Exercises to Help Your Rehab Process

In addition to guided exercises at your rehab appointments, your therapist may also recommend at-home exercises. They are designed to ensure your muscles are still being strengthened between appointments. It would be best if you did these at-home exercises consistently. Combining guided exercises with your physical therapist and at-home exercises will speed up your healing process. It’s also important to ask your therapist any questions about the at-home exercise before beginning.

Have you recently experienced an injury, had a recent surgery, or just dealing with chronic pain? Rehab can help. Give Activity First Physical Therapy a call to get on a treatment plan as soon as possible.