If you’ve recently experienced an injury or surgery, your doctor may recommend physical therapy. If you’ve never attended physical therapy, your first question may be, “How much will this cost?” The good news is that physical therapy is almost always covered by insurance. Of course, the extent of that coverage depends on your individual insurance policy. Here are some commonly asked questions about physical therapy insurance coverage.

Does Insurance Cover Physical Therapy?

Most insurance plans will cover physical therapy if deemed medically necessary. This includes Medicare, worker’s compensation as well as private insurance companies. Basically, if your doctor recommends physical therapy, your insurance should cover it.

Are There Any Out-of-Pocket Costs?

If your insurance plan includes a co-pay for some doctor visits, then you will most likely need to pay a co-pay at your physical therapy appointments. The amount of your co-pay will vary depending on your coverage. You can find out what it will be by contacting your insurance company before your first appointment. Any other out-of-pocket costs can be explained as well.

Is There Anything Provided By Physical Therapy That Isn’t Covered By Insurance?

There are services that physical therapists provide that may not be covered by your insurance policy. Generally, they are ones that your doctor does not specifically prescribe. These services may include fitness or wellness programs, sports performance enhancements, classes, or prevention programs. However, your physical therapist will explain every service before performing them and make you aware if there are costs not covered by insurance.

What if my chosen physical therapist isn’t in-network?

Depending on your type of insurance plan, you may be required to seek services from “in-network” providers. However, some plans may partially cover services in a facility out of network. You can always opt to pay for your services directly if you choose to go to a physical therapist not covered by your insurance.

Questions about physical therapy and your insurance coverage? Give the experts at Activity First PT a call!