Injuries are an unfortunate part of life. Almost every person will experience an accidental injury at some point in their lifetime. And once you do, physical therapy is a great way to speed up the recovery process and heal quickly. Here are some of the most common injuries that physical therapy can help with.

Sprained Ankles

A sprained ankle is probably the most common injury of all. You could sprain your ankle playing sports, running around the block, or even walking down the stairs. It would be hard to come across anyone who has never sprained their ankle at one time or another. Fortunately, ankle sprains are usually minor and heal quickly. However, even minor ankle sprains can be extremely painful and temporarily keep you from your everyday activities. Physical therapy is a great way to strengthen the muscles surrounding your ankle sprain so that you can heal faster and regain normal function quickly.

Car Accident Injuries

An average of 6 million car accidents occur annually in the United States. While not all accidents cause injury, even minor car accident injuries can be highly debilitating. The most common car accident injury is whiplash. A whiplash injury can cause pain and stiffness in the neck, back, shoulders, and sternum. Attending physical therapy soon after your car accident can help minimize the side effects of whiplash and get you back to feeling normal as quickly as possible.

Sports Injuries

If you’re an athlete, the odds are that you have experienced an injury at some point. Whether it’s an acute injury or just pain or stiffness from overuse, physical therapy can help. Oftentimes, strengthening the muscles surrounding the injured area in physical therapy can help increase your function and speed up the healing process.

Have you recently experienced an injury? Activity First Physical Therapy can help! Give us a call to get started right away.